Sunday, December 28, 2008

welkam to LR 21 kanak-kanak ribenaaa!!!

haha..welkam2 to your reality yer kanak-kanak...=D

i know its hard-higher level-cracking minds thingie..but, its what you chose anyways..the bitter memory is the sweetest in the end..rite3???


wish all of you having fun with the upcoming 2nd sem!!!

----open up your up open up----(^^)o

and my my..2009 is a 'bad year'..heard it from certain chinese who obsessed with feng shui..well, it's not that bad to believe right? and you gain no loss at all....=) so, be prepare. watch the world's economy too..(*wink)

and yeah..i've got some infos here which might be useful to all of you kanak-kanak ribena..
enjoy it and if can, apply it.( i just copy and paste 'em)

commonly overused words-Cliches Done to Death
Do cliches and worn-out old phrases make you want to hiss? When someone says "Think outside the box," do you feel like stuffing them inside a box? Are you going to scream if you hear some kid say "like, you know" one more time?This is my growing list of some of the most overused words and phrases that really ought to be retired.

"And he was like, 'Seriously?,' and I'm like, 'Yeah,' and he's like, 'No way,' and I'm like..."Aaauuuuuuggggghhhhhhh! Make it stop!For some reason, "like" is more annoying than filler words such as "uh" and "um." Those filler words convey nervousness or low self-confidence. "Like" is, like, vacuous.
You Know
This one is ALMOST as bad as "like." To my dismay, "you know" is a dear friend of "like." They always hang out together."It's, like, you know..."
The problem with this word isn't just that it's overused. The biggest problem I have with "whatever" is that it expresses contempt. It's dismissive, the verbal equivalent of rolling your eyes. Even if contempt is deserved, saying "whatever" rarely makes the speaker look good.
My Two Cents
This one is a crutch for almost everyone. I've even used it from time to time. This phrase is innocuous enough and doesn't seem to make people throw fits, but it is getting a little worn and tired.
Ever watch Princess Bride? Remember when Inigo tells Vizzini, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means?" "Literally" is one of those type of words."Literally" isn't a word you use for emphasis. It's a word you use when you say something that shouldn't just be interpreted figuratively. For example, if you jumped so high that you bumped your head, you could say, "I literally hit the ceiling."But if you say that you literally worked your butt off, it doesn't mean you worked really hard. It means you don't have a butt anymore.Then again, people overuse the word "literally" even if they're technically using it correctly. If you drove your car into a ditch, you can just say so and leave it at that. People probably don't need to hear the word "literally" to understand what you're saying.
Think Outside the Box
OK, time to put this business cliche back in the box now.This buzzword was used to death by business execs who thought it sounded good. It promotes creative thinking, yet it has been repeated so much that it's become musty, flat, and uninspiring. It also sounds pretentious.
It's Not Rocket Science
Fortunately I don't hear this one much any more, thank goodness, but I remember a time when it came up a lot. Something about it makes me twitch. Can't we say "It's not brain surgery" instead?
F*** Off!
Much as I dislike cussing, I realize that colorful obscenities are a part of just about every language. Everyone has their own form of swearing, even if they say something mild like "darn it" or make up something silly like "fummydoodles."The problem is that when profanity is overused, it makes many people uncomfortable. It's unprofessional and reflects badly on the speaker. And finally, the words themselves lose their power with overuse.If four-letter-words are always used for the most mundane things--dropping your keys, criticizing the slow service at a restaurant, complaining when someone forgets to put the juice back in the fridge--are they still powerful enough to express outrage when someone steals your wallet or parks in front of your driveway?
Think of the Children
A stinky political cliche that tries to make you feel guilty if you're opposed to some law or policy drains your pocketbook or violates your rights in some way. If you're not willing to give up some freedoms (or at least the conveniences you grew up with), you must be in favor of child abuse. How dare you put your own selfish whims ahead of the children!
But Wait!
But wait, there's more! Call now and you'll get this fabulous egg-laying, multi-purpose rubber chicken ABSOLUTELY FREE! Wow!

*Victoria's Overused Words and Phrases
Just to be fair, here are some words and phrases I catch myself using a lot...
For example
-For some reason
-For the most part
-I dunno
-I guess
-I think
-In general
-Something like that

gosh. i didnt meant to publish long boring notes or essays. well,i just copy them cause i feel it fun to know and discover such thing. plus, im dead boring right now..+_+
so, kanak kanak..thats the list of "2009's banished-thumbs-down words" i guess..hehe
Be more creative replacing those words because all of you is an Ibians afterall.. =D

dadaaaaa....n (pss ive fnished Gatsby!!!)

-------------------------dR ShuShu-----------the most success is when you face failure with spirit--------------------------------

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